27岁新人第一天开播 好尴尬 It’s awkward on a new guy’s first day 私聊 PM 我们的故事从这里开始啦,路过支持艾拉Stopped by to support El,叮咚叮咚、,、打卡,我来了,粉色乳头Pink nipples,一字马 A word horse,秀美腿Beautiful feet,小狗是动作Puppy is action,漏乳沟Leakage cleavage,站起来看身材Stand up and look at you,手伸摸妹妹叫He reached out and touch,揉胸knead chest,脱衣舞一件A stripper,小粉放进去Put the toy in 不漏点,控制小粉3粉钟Control Pinkie 3 Pinkie,做艾拉骑士Be a knight of Ella,放艾拉一天假Give Ella the day off,一生守护我Protect me all my life,添小粉玩具It’s a pinkie toy,打屁屁5下 Give me five spanks,今天的你好漂亮You look beautiful toda,穿高跟鞋wear high-heeled shoes,bb给看个M腿吧,深蹲运动5次 Deep squats x5,

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