22岁绿播瑞瑞,欢迎来探索 小心心♥♥Mind one’s heart,新人问好Hello to the newlyweds,打个卡证明我每天都在Punch a time card to,送一颗小粉钻表示心意Send a small pink di,笑一笑Smile,喝一口23年得水水Take a sip of 23 year,点歌Request song,站起来看一下Stand up and take a look,瑞瑞今天真漂亮Larry looks so beautifu,打瑞瑞屁股5下Give Larry five spanks,椅子侧趴Lean on one’s side,画猫脸/乌龟Draw a cat face/turtle,抽支寂寞的烟Have a lonely cigarette,赞助瑞瑞电费Sponsor Rayleigh Electri,锁骨写名字The collarbone writes the,说话一分钟,顶瑞瑞darieri,穿黑丝/换衣服Wear black silk/change ,送瑞瑞99朵玫瑰Ninety-nine roses for ,深蹲10个10 squats,给瑞瑞加大大大大鸡腿Give Larry a big, bi,哥有钱拿去花I have money to spend,给瑞瑞买零食Buy Larry snacks,请瑞瑞吃大餐Treat Rui Rui to a big d,做瑞瑞骑士Be a knight of Rayleigh,I love you,加瑞瑞私人VXGarry Private VX,哥捡破烂养你I pick up junk to raise ,心疼瑞瑞提前下班I feel bad for Rui Rui,请瑞瑞休息一天Ask Larry to take a day,

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